I Ching

The I Ching is an ancient system from China that uses a system of casting two of the eight trigrams to form one of 84 hexagrams using coins, and then if there are change lines, which are determined during the coin casting, I use those to create a second hexagram. Reading the texts associated with each of these change lines gives more information about why the changes need to be made and/or the energy of making changes you're considering making.

If there are no change lines, then the hexagram cast is your answer. However, if there are change lines then a second hexagram is formed that shows the direction those changes will lead you in. 

The I Ching is a very insightful tool for divining whether or not changes need to be made and not only what needs to change, but also why. It's a very deep and spiritual system that can give a lot of information and insight into any situation. Because I use it as such, I do a cleansing and prayer ritual and meditate on your energy and question before I cast the I Ching.

This is a reading for which I'll write up a PDF document that includes the hexagram(s) as well as details about any change lines. This takes anywhere from 1-3 hours depending upon how many change lines there are.

I Ching readings require a specific question, so please be sure to send it when you email me for one of these readings, and I'll send estimated delivery date. You can use the link below to place your order.

I Ching Reading: $111
