Working on the Psychic Hotlines

I started working on the psychic hotlines in late 2012 after a friend of mine encouraged me to do so and she helped me to get set up and started on one of the largest and most established ones to this day. I had no idea what I was getting into at the time, but I sure did learn fast that this was a whole different type of clientele. I've learned the name for it in the past year, these are people who are--for the most part--are in limerence. 

So, what is limerence? It's a state of involuntary obsession with another person. So these are mostly people who are obsessed with an ex, a crush, a co-worker, etc. to the point that they ask about them frequently and can't accept that the other person has moved on or isn't interested in them. They create a fantasy world.

Why do they call the psychic hotlines? They call there because they have nobody else to feed their obsession. Their friends and family tell them the truth and then get tired of hearing about it, as these people get tired of hearing what their friends and family say about the situation. The hotlines are built upon such people and many readers feed their obsession, intentionally or not.

I do feel that many readers on the psychic hotlines don't know how to detach themselves from the energy of the querent and tune into the energy of the other person, and I admit that I didn't either for a very long time--that took years to learn to do well. Also, many tarot readers who read with the RWS system tend to put a positive spin on the cards at all times. But even psychics can feel only the strongest energy which is that of their querent. 

The trick is to consider. the third party, the other person, to be the querent and use the caller (or chatter) as the connecting thread to get to them. I ask my Guides to assist me with this. And that's the other thing about working on the psychic hotlines, most of your readings are third party and about relationships. If you don't want to do this, and fortune telling, then the psychic hotlines are not the place for you.

Also, if you're considering a career or side hustle on the psychic hotlines, know that you'll be working mostly nights and weekends because that's when the majority of the people who call aren't working, though some companies are worldwide so you may be able to be busy during weekdays as well. Understand too that there's no "average" wage because it varies depending upon the company's pay structure and rate you charge plus how many calls and their length that you receive, and it can flux seasonally and daily. But people do manage to make a really good living on the lines.

I honed my skills for a little over a decade, with one short break, on several of the hotlines, but I finally retired from them this year. I burned out on all of that limerence and I also wanted to build a local business and one can't do both because if you're reading at local psychic/spirit fairs and other events on weekends then you're not available on the hotlines when you need to be.

Working on the psychic hotlines isn't for everyone, many find it feels quite icky because it's not what they want to do. Today it's also getting a lot harder to get started because so many new readers joined the hotlines in the last few years that many of the companies are either no longer hiring or setting very high standards of experience that make it hard to start out now. New companies are also sprouting up everywhere and so it's getting to a point that there are more readers than customers. I suggest that if you want to give it a whirl you do so as a side gig first if possible, or a second income to the home. 

Love and Light,
~Diane Jarecki



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